

        Trocadero Artspace,
Lvl 1 – 119 Hopkins Place, Footscray, Australia

19. October  – 2. November 2013

The precarity of our planet often inspires me to consider our human relationship towards our natural resources; if a piece of stone could speak it would have grand tails to tell. Stories spanning over a million years and originating from the dark depths below. Time, extreme temperature and pressure conditions plus a combination of many minerals have all played a part in creating the unique patterning and colour variation you see in stone.

MOONSTONE is a collection of marble and granite that has been recovered from the show room floor. Within the repetition of shape there will be an unveiling of the simple beauty in each piece of stone, of each new artefact. From a common bathroom or foyer of an office building and breaking free of its mundane human destiny into new life.



small moonstones – granite, marble, 290mm diameter



large moonstones – granite, 650mm diameter